“Dude, isn’t that an X?”
Congratulations. You guys finally managed to bully us into changing our name to “XONOR”.
This comes mostly because we were tired of being mistaken with other artists / bands with the same name and with our growth it became increasingly frustrating to know that people couldn't find us on Google for example. People would see us live for the first time, see our banner and assume our name was “XONOR” because of our logo.
It has become quite the cliche that people would walk to us and tell us “Dude it looks like an ‘X’ “
There is a bit more to our name change though…
Despite all the good things that happened last year, 2022 was our most difficult year to date.
Parting ways with two founding members forced us into a position of having to redefine what this project means to us in every aspect.
With our name change we are flipping the page to the next chapter. Let us see where we're headed.